Project Snapshot
Transport for NSW is working to ease congestion, increase safety and improve travel times on King Georges Road between Beverly Hills and Hurstville.
Motorists currently experience significant congestion along King Georges Road between Stoney Creek Road and Forest Road, particularly during weekday peak periods. The scope of work for this project involves widening King Georges Road between Stoney Creek Road at Beverly Hills and Forest Road at Hurstville to create three lanes in each direction, along with a dedicated right turn lane on King Georges Road southbound.
The Challenges
Due for completion in 2024, the area is currently a busy construction site which will host 80 personnel at its peak.
With many staff on site, combined with the proximity to busy King Georges Road and the potential vehicle and pedestrian traffic, it was critical for the contractor to ensure the site was securely fenced to create a safe walkway whilst construction was taking place.
Our Solution
Approximately 300 panels of Fortress 2000 Series temporary fencing were used to create safe zones around the site. Concrete barriers lined the busy road, however for concrete barriers to be effective, a set exclusion zone needs to be maintained. This is where Fortress Fencing panels were used to great effect: the barriers could perform their duty to redirect errant vehicles, and the rugged fence panels ensured that pedestrians did not venture out of the safe zone towards the road.
The use of temporary fence panels also prevented pedestrians from potentially jaywalking and hopping over the concrete barriers which would have presented a safety hazard.
Additionally, on the other side of the exclusion zone, the construction team have used Fortress Fencing to block off open trenches whilst asbestos removal is taking place on site.
Made from galvanised anti-climb mesh, the panels can be quickly installed using our standard couplers and concrete-filled feet. Fortress temporary fence panels are easy to set up by one person, and provide a flexible option that can be moved around as the needs of the project change. Each panel measures 2.1 metres high and the quick install process provides immediate security to your site.
Designed to meet Australian Standards, the 2000 Series Fortress panel is available in small or large quantities along with various accessories such as clamps, bracing, and the sturdy concrete-filled bases required for installation.
For more information on Fortress economical temporary fencing panels, our friendly team are always happy to help – if you need assistance, get in touch with our team for a fast quote.

Want to know more?
Contact us today for more information about the products used or to learn how we can assist with your upcoming project!